Student Snippets A Window Into The Daily Life & Thoughts of SLIS Students


Librarians: Myth and Fact

During my first year in library school, I’m noticing things about my classmates as well as people in the field. I’m noticing what is and isn’t true about people in the library science field and what stereotypes don’t hold true. I figured I’d address the most common things you should know about people in the field before you come in with all the normal assumptions (as I did). These stereotypes apply to all library science careers, but I’m going to use the term ‘librarian’ for the sake of brevity. Librarians are quiet. This could not be more untrue. Librarians LOVE to talk. You’ll take a reference class where you learn how to talk. If you ever encounter me on campus or in class, God bless your cotton socks, because I will talk your ear off. Part of being a good and effective library sciences student and future employee is being able to talk and communicate effectively, just like any other field. Jobs in library science aren’t jobs where you show up to work and don’t…

Stress Management

This semester’s taken a turn for the rough and stressful these past few weeks, and we’re looking Thanksgiving break in the face. Thankfully, my management professor has us each prevent in groups on a specific topic–this week, my partner and I were the ones presenting on Conflict Resolution and Stress Management. While we had a specific focus on how managers can help reduce stress in the workplace, I think that as we are running into the last couple weeks of school we can all use a fast refresher on how to manage stress. Take deep breaths Exercise, if you have time! Drink enough water! Get enough sleep! Make a plan ( so you don’t stress out chaotically. Talk it out. If you need someone to talk to, my friends and I have always had great luck walking into the student lounge and announcing our problems to whoever is in there. Librarians love to talk. Try coloring or popping bubble wrap to calm down. Watch some funny videos or find some other way to have a…

Is this meme making me a hypochondriac?

“The library is a hospital for the mind.”  A friend shared this meme on Facebook this weekend and predictably tagged me, his library student friend, in the post (he also tags me in anything at all Game of Thrones related – I am okay with both of these habits of his).  I thought the picture and quote had a nice general sentiment but didn’t dwell too much on the actual text – until the controversy started. Now, to be fair, I might be describing this with a touch more drama than what actually happened.  By “controversy” I mean, “someone benevolently disagreed in a Facebook comment.”  This responder offered the following instead: “[The library is] More like a buffet. I only go to the hospital when something is wrong, and I can’t choose my treatment. I eat every day and much like a library, the buffet has options for whatever I’m hungry for.” Perhaps it is because I am reading about the “service perspective” within library and information science in one of my current classes, but…

From the Harrowing Heights of Pizzacliffe: Naming Your Living Space

Something that we’ve learned from literary classics is that all great living spaces hold even greater names. Moving onto a graduate program, there is no doubt that you’ll be spending a fair deal of time in your new living space between completing all those assignments, scheduling classes, and entertaining the occasional guest. When moving into a new city and onto a new campus, going the extra mile to make that dorm feel closer to home and exude you-ness can make all the difference. One thing is clear – your dorm needs a name. But what goes into a dorm name? Well, that depends on what flavor you anticipate your dorm having as you move through SLIS. Depending upon your anticipated trajectory, your dorm name could follow any of the following examples, such as: Pizzacliffe Citationview Napcrest Endnotewalk Moving into a new dorm or apartment with the start of a new semester, it’s likely that you already have a lot of thinking and preparation to take care of. But with a brand-new living space you’ve purposefully…

Service First? A New Kind of Service Model for my Local Library

About a week ago, my older and sister and I returned home to celebrate the winter holidays with my family. As always, within less than twenty-fours of arriving home from Boston, my mom and I piled into the car and made a trip over my town’s local library so I could pick up some books to read while I’m home for the break. Although the library had undergone some serious renovations back in the late 1990s and early 2000s, very little has changed in regards to its general services. However, things have apparently changed quite a bit while I have been away. When I walked inside my local library last Saturday, I was horrified to see that the circulation desk was all but gone and in its place were a line of computers and book scanners. After inquiring about the significant changes with a nearby librarian, I learned that the computers and the removal of the circulation desk were all part of the library’s new Service First model. While my library’s website boasts that amongst other…

Long Weekend!

This semester started just over a month ago (although it feels like longer) and I’ve been going nonstop, this weekend it’s time for a break. Three of my closest friends from college are coming up to Vermont to enjoy the long Columbus Day weekend and I cannot wait for them to arrive! On Sunday we will be running in Harpoon Brewery’s Annual Oktoberfest Road Race and enjoying the festival afterwards. I am researching the Boston Beer Company (aka Sam Adams) for my Business Reference class so I can count sampling Harpoon beers as research, right? In more library related news, both of my Monday classes will be online this week instead of meeting in person. This works well because it allows me an extra day off to enjoy time with friends and a great opportunity to experience an online class. Registration for the spring semester starts next week (hard to believe) and I’m hoping this week of online classes will help me choose which format will work best for my schedule next semester. Finding balance…

#GSLISchat Round 2 Results!

Hi everyone,  We just completed our 2nd #GSLISchat. Check out the conversation here:  Tweets about “#GSLISchat”

Summer of Sarah

It is nearly July, and a few people have asked me if I have been busy so far this summer. The answer is yes, provided that vacationing qualifies as being busy. May was busy with volunteering and taking the Corporate Libraries course, and June has been busy with trips to Santa Barbara, San Francisco, and a quaint little New Hampshire lake. So yes, technically I have been busy, even though my time has been increasingly spent vacationing rather than working. I have spent the last three weeks hiking in Santa Barbara, exploring San Francisco, and lounging on an inflatable raft in New Hampshire. It has been glorious, and the gallivanting is set to continue through July with a visit to the Rhode Island shore, a road trip to North and South Carolina, and more inflatable raft time in New Hampshire. While all of this has been, and hopefully will continue to be, wonderful and cultural and relaxing, I must constantly remind myself that this Summer of Sarah is not real life. Coming to terms with…

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