First Fridays
Posted March 15, 2015 by Samantha Quiñon
My friends and I have a sort of tradition, though I don’t know if that’s really the proper word. Maybe it’s habit or ritual or pattern. Anyway, I’m talking about how we always congregate monthly at the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) for its “First Fridays” event, which happens on the evening of –you guessed it– the first Friday of every month. We do this for many reasons. First of all, the MFA is beautiful, and it’s a completely different experience seeing it lit up at night. It’s also only about two blocks from the main campus, so the location is convenient. Additionally, we all get in for free with our Simmons student IDs. (This is also true at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, which is literally right next door.) Just to reiterate: We have an amazing museum nearby open late with plenty to explore and free admission. If those aren’t enough reasons to go, the event also sells drinks for a reasonable price (rare in Boston) and has a tasty assortment of light snacks….
Kids these days.
Posted March 13, 2015 by Alison Mitchell
Jessamyn West, who lives in Vermont and blogs at, is really great. Her most recent blog post details two presentations she gave to local parents, one on apps used by teens and one on internet safety. There are so many great things about her presentations: A librarian is proactively meeting with members of her community to introduce and discuss issues around technology. She’s helping parents keep current with technology used by teens today. I think it’s super important for parents to know what their kids are doing, but I’m sure many parents aren’t exactly sure how to go about getting that knowledge. Jessamyn herself had to learn a new technology to give this presentation (Snapchat). She’s a pioneer in library technology (maybe that is overstating it, but she certainly knows a lot) and she still had to learn something new! It’s all about lifelong education. Because of her presentations, local parents talked with each other, shared strategies and ideas, and generally built community. Look what librarians can do! One of my classmates in 488 (Technology for…
Love in (or Lovin’) the Archives
Posted March 9, 2015 by Alexandra Bernson
I’ve been thinking about the phrase “I have a lot on my plate” lately. It seems like if my schedule were this figurative plate, it would look like I just left an all-you-can-eat buffet. In the last week I have ended a job, started a new job, worked a shift of my internship, and set up an interview for a possible second part-time job at an academic library… All while trying to keep up with my school work. In addition to all of this, I’m trying to make time for my friends, family, and (lastly) sleep. Sometimes when one’s schedule is so packed, it’s hard to remember what exactly one is working toward. But thankfully I’ve been utterly caught up in the romance that can happen with archival work. Previously, I mentioned the series of love letters between a young couple in the 1940s that is a large part of the collection in which I’m working, but recently I found several other letters written to the young woman of the aforementioned couple from a completely…
SLIS: The School of Group Projects
Posted March 6, 2015 by Alison Mitchell
So far, every class I’ve taken at SLIS has had a major group project component. The people, topics, work style and product in my group projects have varied widely — from the fabulous, all-on-the-same-page group I’m part of in 404, to a frustrating experience in 401 with a classmate who missed every meeting and turned in subpar work. Working on one group project this week, I realized that my partner and I had completely different comfort levels with when to turn in our assignment (I trend early, she’s fine with right at the deadline), which made me think about the similarities (or lack thereof) between group projects and real life. Why a Group Project is Not Like Real Life There is no boss. In real life, someone is in charge. Group projects run the risk of floating along until someone takes charge. Or, someone tries to take charge and the rest of the group doesn’t like it. You cannot get fired, but you’re also not getting paid. In real life, if you mess up, your…
Spring Break
Posted March 5, 2015 by Hayley Botnen
I can’t believe it’s spring break next week. And I’m sure I’m not alone in being surprised at how suddenly the semester has flown by. A major part of that is due to the frequent cancellation of classes at the beginning of the semester. I don’t have any Monday classes, so I never had to worry about that, but my Tuesday class didn’t meet a couple of times. And even now, six weeks into the semester, it feels weird to go to class on both Tuesday and Thursday (which is my normal schedule). It’s been even weirder for me because I still compare every day to Montana. I lived in Montana my whole life, and while it’s a big enough state that each part of Montana is very different from another, it still feels like a place where one can speak for the state as a whole. Montana gets plenty of snow (as I think I’ve said before), but they rarely get snow storm after snow storm after snow storm. And as far as I…
Hanging out with the Future Authors of Tomorrow
Posted March 2, 2015 by Jill Silverberg
Yesterday afternoon, I had the pleasure to attend an event hosted by the Children’s Literature Department over at the School of Management. Our neighbors up the stairs, my first interaction with the Children’s Literature Department and Program occurred way back on September 1, 2014. That was the day that I formally moved into my new apartment with three other girls. Two of these young women were just beginning their second year in the Children’s Literature Program. Since that time, I’ve learned a great deal about the Children’s Literature Program, and all that is has to offer its students. Yesterday, I sat down and listened to various students from the program not only discuss their mentorship experience from the previous semester, but also hear excerpts from the novels that they are currently working on. Hearing the culmination of months, and in most cases, years of effort, was a wonderful experience. I could not only hear the passion that these talented writers had for their work, but also the excitement, pride, and love that they had for…
Thoughts of Summer
Posted March 1, 2015 by Samantha Quiñon
This week I registered for summer classes and applied for a summer internship. I could hardly believe it. Summer seems so far off, especially given the amount of snow on the ground now, but it’s better to plan for it now than to be caught unprepared later. As for classes, after much vacillation, I decided to take courses in XML, digital stewardship, and digital humanities. It is all very technology oriented. A year ago if you had told me I would focus on something like this for a career, I would have told you that you were out of your mind. It is really challenging, but I’m passionate about making information available and discoverable for everyone. That’s why concentrating on digital repositories seems like a good choice for me. The choice also fits very well the professional and internship experience I have. It’s tough, because I feel like my level of skill with technology isn’t as advanced as a lot of other students’, but I think I can overcome my deficiencies and learn more given…
Taking Care of Business
Posted February 28, 2015 by Alison Mitchell
So, the first half of this semester was a little unusual. I’m just thankful I didn’t take any Monday classes, because between snow days and holidays, they have only met once. How crazy is that? By the end of last semester I figured out that things worked best for me if I had big blocks of time for each part of my life. A day here for work, a day there for homework. From 3:15 – bedtime, all my focus was on the kids. Weekends were family time, unless there was a big assignment on the horizon, in which case I carved a few hours out of precious family time so I wasn’t freaking out. It was a little hard to keep to that schedule at the beginning of this semester, as I got used to the slightly different rhythm of an online class. Still, I was keeping a positive attitude and trying to figure out the best way to get things done. I mapped out the dates for all the group projects in…
3D Printing: A Nerd’s Fantasy Realized!
Posted February 27, 2015 by Jill Silverberg
Have you ever been online and saw something that you wanted? I’m sure the answer is yes, but how many times have you actually acted on that impulse? But what if the thing you wanted is something a bit bizarre? Like an Ocarina of Time? Or maybe you want your own House Crest from one of the Four Houses of Hogwarts? As a self-declared nerd, these items are merely just an example of things from various books and video games that I have wanted since I was a child. Of course, like most early twenty-somethings, I am not currently at a place in my life financially where I could justify buying these things. Thankfully, I don’t have to. When 3D printing was still a concept that one could only read about either online or in the newspapers, I thought it was the coolest things ever. I still do. However, I never thought that I would ever have the chance to see one up close, let alone 3D print something. On Newbury Street, there is a…
Ancestors & Acquisitions – My Genealogical Internship
Posted February 23, 2015 by Alexandra Bernson
There is such a difference between learning the theory behind everything we study here and actually putting those theories to good use. As I am currently enrolled in LIS438 (Introduction to Archives), I have the fortune of spending a few hours each week at the New England Historic Genealogical Society in Boston, Massachusetts. Before I go into my work there, I want to encourage all of you to visit the NEHGS. While my work there will definitely keep me busy, I plan on returning to this organization and looking into my own family tree. While parts of my family are very new to the United States, there is so much to discover and explore. The librarians, genealogists, and researchers that work at the institution from Tuesday to Saturday each week are incredibly kind, knowledgeable, and helpful. The society’s collections include published genealogies, manuscripts, maps, art… and not just from New England. One floor is dedicated to European materials, while their general reference and microfilm collections include materials from New York, the Mid-Atlantic, and the Midwest. …