Student Snippets A Window Into The Daily Life & Thoughts of SLIS Students

TRON: Legacy and Open Access

Although I was not yet born when the first TRON came out, I grew up on that movie. My dad was always a fan and even had the hand-held video game. At a very young age, I owned that game. MCP had nothing on me. (I may have gotten a little worried just now typing this on a computer; I don’t want to end up on the Grid.) Three years ago when they announced TRON: Legacy at Comic-Con I ‘geeked’ out and could not wait to see it. As soon as I could get together with my Dad, we went to see the movie. I was delighted to not only witness a sequel true to the original, but to see connections between the movie and Library and Information Science. :WARNING: SPOILERS In TRON: Legacy we encounter Flynn’s son, as a rebellious rich kid, who has the intelligence to break into buildings and hack secure files, but with lacks drive. Every year he plots to foil some part of his company, in an effort to honor…