Student Snippets A Window Into The Daily Life & Thoughts of SLIS Students

Second Semester Successes

I recently started my second semester of the dual MA/MS in Children’s Literature and Library Science, which has been really pleasant. After a trip back to Wisconsin over the holiday break, a wedding between friends over New Years, and a few days to prepare for CHL 436A Narrative Nonfiction, I was back into it. I have always enjoyed the dependable routine of the semester: wake up, class, work, go home, repeat four times, and weekend. Knowing what every day of the next three-ish months will hold is a great source of comfort to me. 

Another great thing about being in my second semester of the program is that I generally know who people are by now. Although I don’t know everyone in SLIS, I am an active member and moderator for our Discord group, recently renamed the SLIScord. I recognize people’s usernames and appreciate all of the fun things they put in there, which ranges from craft projects to job postings to club meeting times to book recommendations and more. I met one of my good friends through the SLIScord, and hopefully our community continues to expand. On the other hand, I feel confident that I know nearly everyone in the Children’s Literature program (where the Discord is named the CHLord, combining CHL and Discord). This group is much smaller and I spend a lot of time with them in the Book Nook, working on puzzles, going through the books publishers send us, talking about class projects, and figuring out who’s going to the latest author talk. 

Overall, I deeply appreciate the tight-knit nature of Simmons and all of the opportunities I’ve gotten to meet peers and mentors in the community. Because I am taking LIS 459 Foundations of School Library Teaching, I have to go out into the Boston area to observe school librarians for 30 hours. I’m only 5 hours in so far, but I have more hours coming up very soon. In addition to the professionals I’ve met through internships and the Massachusetts Library Association, these placements have been demonstrating what life could look like after grad school. That’s daunting to think about, but the more I observe, the more prepared I feel. 

Here’s to a spectacular spring semester!