Student Snippets A Window Into The Daily Life & Thoughts of SLIS Students


This Southern girl is out of her element

I just got back from winter vacation last week, and while I am so happy to be in beautiful Boston again the weather is testing my courage and endurance. When I left for the (what I hoped would be) warm, sunny climes of Athens, GA over a month ago it had not yet snowed here. The roads and sidewalks were still dry and ice-free and I could still prance around without fear of slipping. The city was all decked out in lights and it hadn’t gotten very cold yet. I was in great spirits and I got home expecting a nice, warm, green Georgia Christmas. Instead, my hometown got three inches of snow on December 25 (three inches is a BIG deal down there!), only the second time in Athens’s recorded history that it had snowed on Christmas (the first time was in 1993). It was Atlanta’s first white Christmas since 1882 when Chester Arthur was president. We were all very excited to see the snow – we built snowmen, threw snowballs at each other,…

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