Student Snippets A Window Into The Daily Life & Thoughts of SLIS Students


Children’s Literacy Foundation

The Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF) serves more than 350 communities across every region of Vermont and New Hampshire with the goal of nurturing a love of reading and writing in children. They focus on children from birth to age 12, especially rural and at-risk children. Further reading. I have written about book donation programs on my personal blog before but CLiF also does in-class author readings and workshops and more. Just to be clear, I have no connection to these guys, but this aligns with many of my interests. CLiF’s programs are supported entirely by donations from individuals, companies, foundations, and social organizations… Great, so what?? Well, for anyone who has a connection to an elementary school or library in New Hampshire or Vermont, tell your librarian or a local teacher about these two 2011 grants provided by CLiF; Author/Illustrator Visits or Writer-in-Residence Grants New Hampshire and Vermont elementary schools looking for a free author visit to their school should check out these two simple grant applications. Have an author visit your school and give…

Incase You Missed It: S. 3984

S. 3984, the Museum and Library Services Act, was created to authorize funding at current levels for library and museum services around the country through 2016.  Further reading. In addition, this bill authorizes funding for the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program which provides education assistance grants for those pursuing careers as librarians, and it expands the definition of museums eligible for funding to include those with digital collections. The Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services will also now be required to develop and implement a policy for ensuring that the availability of museum, library and information services adequately meets the needs of the American people.   In case you missed it,  you will be pleased to know that S. 3984 passed the House in the closing days of the 111th Congress and was signed into law on December 22, 2010 by Barack Obama.

BPL Canvas Bag

Jeff Carvalho at Selectism crushes it… he found this canvas book bag (literally a bag for transporting books) that could do double duty as a weekender bag. BPL style. Reblogging below; More than 100 years ago, the workers of the Boston Public Library figured out that the best way to ferry books between the branches was in this deep, heavy-duty bag, one in each hand to balance the load. Each is capable of holding 27 pounds. Buy it for $38. If you want more info, read here about how the bags have double canvas bottoms as a requirement, and about the inscription stencilled inside…

TRON: Legacy and Open Access

Although I was not yet born when the first TRON came out, I grew up on that movie. My dad was always a fan and even had the hand-held video game. At a very young age, I owned that game. MCP had nothing on me. (I may have gotten a little worried just now typing this on a computer; I don’t want to end up on the Grid.) Three years ago when they announced TRON: Legacy at Comic-Con I ‘geeked’ out and could not wait to see it. As soon as I could get together with my Dad, we went to see the movie. I was delighted to not only witness a sequel true to the original, but to see connections between the movie and Library and Information Science. :WARNING: SPOILERS In TRON: Legacy we encounter Flynn’s son, as a rebellious rich kid, who has the intelligence to break into buildings and hack secure files, but with lacks drive. Every year he plots to foil some part of his company, in an effort to honor…

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