Student Snippets A Window Into The Daily Life & Thoughts of SLIS Students

Not With a Bang, but With a Moodle Submission

As the days darken, the wind whips, and the deadlines grow closer, tension rises on the Simmons campus. The final week before classes end for the winter break contains a lot of emotions for all of us. Some of us are scrambling around trying to finish up our final projects while others are hitting “send” on those deliverables. If you’re like me, it’s finally dawning on you that your last semester of SLIS is approaching. Perhaps your family or other classmates are already questioning you on the where/what/how after graduation in the spring when it just seemed like yesterday you sat in a classroom on campus for the first time and worried if you were making the right decision. Questions buzz through your head—interrupting your day. Did you take enough resume-building classes? Did you engage with your professors enough? Did you slack off? Are you prepared for the after? Am I doing enough? Finals seem almost soothing compared to the plunge I and others are going to take next May. 

An existential crisis is one thing, but an existential crisis around the holidays with a giant workload of projects to deliver on is another. Yesterday, as I gazed around the room of my friends and classmates, I could see the exhaustion and nerves on everyone’s faces. Glum is a good word to use. The final slug through this week before a (hopefully) blissful rest. I can only hope it is enough for all of us to regain our collective energy and excitement for the future! As of now, though, I look forward to a brief, but needed hibernation. Winter is for rest and reflection and I hope everyone has a relaxing break with no moodle posts and perhaps a good (non- required) book. You deserve it. And remember to do your course evaluations!