Student Snippets A Window Into The Daily Life & Thoughts of SLIS Students

Full Time Work Full Time Student

Last week was memorable because I got offered a job that I’m really excited about! I’ll be starting work in a couple of weeks, so I predict I’ll be extremely busy until I graduate. After spending most of the past year feeling like I had too much time and not enough to do, it will be a big change but definitely a welcome one. I know that many people work full time while enrolled at Simmons SLIS, so while it won’t be easy, I know it’s doable. 

Wednesday is the official start of my academic week, as well as the day when I typically have no events scheduled. After completing the work for last week, I had a sense of how long the repeating assignments for each course should take, and how they relate to each other. For instance, I knew that I should watch the lecture videos for my Systems Analysis (LIS 486) class before doing the readings or the other assignments. Lecture videos and text lessons that I can read through always help me identify and focus on the important topics in the readings. I watched both of the Systems Analysis lecture videos on Wednesday then switched over to text-based lessons about management theory for Principles of Management (LIS 404). I also met with my group project team for Systems Analysis so we could work on an assignment together. Conducting Research (LIS 621) started off with an interesting hour where Elena Glatman, the Director of Sponsored Research at Simmons, spoke to the class about research funding applications and sources. I’m really happy with my course selections for this semester and I think they complement each other really well!

Speaking of time management, I recently read this really interesting article about the fetishization of habits and routines, which I found through this article about the weird culture surrounding productivity bloggers. As I do every semester, I tried to map out a study and homework schedule on paper in the first week of classes. These articles gave me a little perspective on what I was trying to do and why!