Student Snippets A Window Into The Daily Life & Thoughts of SLIS Students

Mentee-ing 101

Today I’m going to hype up my mentors. I can honestly say that without them, I wouldn’t have even considered librarianship, let alone finish my degree (in a few weeks).

I have many mentors from different parts and times of my life; some are “official” mentors, some are people I look up to, and some are even self-appointed. I even started a newsletter because there were too many to keep up with! At one of my conferences, I found myself surrounded by a crowd of people introducing themselves to each other as “I’m her mentor”, “I’m also her mentor”, “Wait, I’m a mentor too”. I’m not going to lie, it was stressful!

I can’t emphasize enough what the value of having a mentor is. This is a person that you look up to and who has your back and your best interest. They help guide you in your professional career and provide moral support when things don’t go the way you planned. They talk you up to their peers and give you a reassuring push when you are having an impostor syndrome episode. Sometimes, they believe in you more than you believe in yourself.

Having mentors has been so invaluable to me and I’ve always said that I know I’ve “made it” when I’m able to mentor someone in the same capacity that my mentors have been there for me.

So now that you’re sold, here are some resources to find yourself a mentor:

Another way to find mentors is to reach out to your network and establish meaningful connections. I promise you, it’s so worth it!