Student Snippets A Window Into The Daily Life & Thoughts of SLIS Students

Changes Ahead

To say the last week has been crazy would be an understatement.  Coronavirus has already changed a lot of our lives, and I’m sure by the time this is published, things will have changed even more.  It’s definitely scary.  The good thing is that Simmons has had an amazing response to the coronavirus, sending regular emails detailing exactly what is going on and what will happen.  Simmons is doing a great job of looking after its students and making sure they are properly taken care of, and I am grateful to each and every one of the people who have helped ease us through this transition.  Thank you for all your work!

I’m an online student and my classes have resumed as usual following our spring break.  I’m actually happy to have schoolwork because it gives me something to do other than worry about what’s going on with coronavirus, although I admit my focus is not at its best right now.  Unfortunately, the on-campus students are bearing the brunt of the changes, with their in-person classes being put online, and their living and work situations potentially in flux.   A lot is being asked of everyone right now, from the communications team to the tech support to the students and professors.  Figuring out how to continue classes amidst all this uncertainty must be challenging.  But the important thing is that the semester is still continuing.   Even though it might be different, and even though it might require sacrificing some opportunities, it’s still continuing.  I want to reassure the on-campus students that online classes are really just like any other class.  It will take a session or two to get used to the not-in-person nature of the classes, but you will get used to it.  You will still learn a lot and be able to communicate with your classmates and professors.  And together, we will deal with these changes as best we can, because that’s all we can do.  Stay safe, wash those hands, and take things one day at a time.