Almost There!
Posted December 4, 2019 by Sarah Callanan
It’s the last week of the Fall 2019 semester everyone! We’ve made it to the end! Even though these past few weeks have seemed to fly by, I feel oddly relaxed going in to this last week. It feels very anti-climactic. I believe it’s because the end of the semester is so close to Thanksgiving–I think last year we had a little bit more time between Thanksgiving and the end of the semester, whereas this year we went right from Thanksgiving break into the final week of class, and then there was a huge snowstorm which gave me an extra day off from work. Usually I’m really stressed at the end of the semester because there are projects and assignments due, and while I do have a big project due at the end of this week, I think having that small bit of time off really helped me relax and recharge and get ready for the final push. However this is how I feel right now….talk to me on Sunday when everything is due at 11:55 PM. I may give you a different answer.
In my first blog post of the semester, I wrote about why I decided to take LIS 401: Foundations of Library and Information Science, and what I hoped to get out of this class. As the class is now wrapping up, I think I can honestly say that I think I accomplished my goal–the class provided me with a good introduction and overview to a wide variety of LIS topics, I learned more about different areas of LIS and what falls under the LIS umbrella, and I learned more about myself and what I’m interested in and what I’m not interested in. This class has really helped me reflect and think about how I want to structure the rest of my time at Simmons, and think more about my career in general. Do I think I should have taken this class earlier on? Yes, I probably should have, but this is how my schedule worked out in the end. I’m walking away from this class with a lot of valuable ideas and skills, and if you are an incoming LIS student, I would strongly consider taking this class.
Once I turn in my final project on Sunday, I will be halfway through my program here at SLIS, and I will have officially completed my second year! Can you believe it? In my next post I’ll tell you about some of my takeaways from the program so far and the lessons I’ve learned.