Registration Time!
Posted November 13, 2019 by Sarah Callanan
Guess what time it is? Registration! This is Registration Week for SLIS! I have officially registered for the Spring 2020 semester! Woo! I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was working on going through the course description list and the two year projected schedule, and I’ve been trying to think about what I want to get out of the rest of my time in my program here at SLIS. The whole registration process has always been a bit stressful for me for a few reasons: not every class is taught every semester, and then some classes are only taught in specific locations specific semesters or are only online or only in-person, and then adding in the fact that I’m only taking one class at a time it can feel like if I don’t jump on an opportunity to take a class now I will miss my chance. It was a bit easier when I was taking the core classes (LIS 407, LIS 415, and LIS 488), because those are taught Fall, Spring, and Summer, in both online and in-person formats, but with the electives it’s a bit harder. Nevertheless, I have decided to take LIS 453: Collection Development for the Spring 2020 semester.
In non-Registration news, last week was the first live session for my class this semester! Only a few of my classes at SLIS have had live sessions before, and this was optional, so there was only a handful of us were online, but it was still really fun and interesting! Our topic last week was Types of Settings in Library and Information Science, which was one of the topics that I had been eagerly waiting for all semester. The professor talked about her time in graduate school, her library and work experience, the different types of libraries that she has worked in, and also asked us about our experiences. Because there was a smaller group of us, it was more participatory than other live sessions that I’ve had at Simmons. Additionally, we also talked about job interviews and hiring within different types of LIS organizations, which was really interesting! I gained a lot of insight from our discussions! Also, I really love the option of having a live session even though this is an online class. It’s really nice to be able to talk with your professor and classmates! Interaction on the forums is great, but having that “class” experience is something that I do miss when I’m taking an online course, and the live sessions are a nice solution. Our first live session was cancelled, and I’m glad we were able to have this one!
I hope that everyone stays warm and has a good Registration Week!