The Dog Days of Summer
Posted July 11, 2019 by Sarah Callanan
It’s Week 4 of LIS 404! Oh, my goodness, this class has been keeping me on my toes! As I’ve said before, this class is a lot shorter than a regular semester class, but we’re doing the same amount of work, which is a little bit intense! There’s a lot of material to cover in a short amount of time, so each week there’s an abundance of readings to be completed, notes to go over, and lectures to watch. I know that theoretically it is same amount of work as a regular semester class just in an accelerated timeframe, but between this class and my summer class last year, I feel that there is a lot more reading in summer classes than there is during the semester. However, this could just be because of the timing- maybe I just don’t notice the amount of reading as much because it is more spaced out during the regular semester classes?
These past two weeks have been more ‘participation’ weeks rather than ‘assignment’ weeks, with us participating more on the forums and wikis instead of having papers or projects to turn in. Last week we learned about Organizational Culture, Personality, Decision Making, and Strategic Management. In one of our forums we took the Jung Typology/Myers Briggs Personality Test and shared our results and a brief summary of our background and it was one of the most interesting and enjoyable assignments that I’ve had since starting at SLIS. In online classes sometimes it feels like we don’t get to know our classmates except for maybe a brief hello during the first week in the introduction forums, so it was nice to have an opportunity to get to “meet” my classmates and get to know them on a deeper level. I really enjoy it when the online classes feel less remote and more personal! Additionally, I’ve always been fascinated by the Jung Typology/Myers Briggs Personality Test. I’ve taken the test a few times before, and according to my results I’m an INTJ. If you are interested in taking an online, free version of the test, this is the version that we took for class.
The remaining half of this class is going to be a lot of hard work, but the material is really interesting and engaging! Wish me luck!