Student Snippets A Window Into The Daily Life & Thoughts of SLIS Students

Events, Classes, and Being Busy

I don’t know about the rest of SLIS, but I like to keep busy. It’s the reason I’m working, in student leadership, and a full time student. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t have something going on.

We’re about a week into the semester now, and it’s been, well, Busy. My classes only meet on Tuesday and Thursday nights, but because I work two on-campus jobs, there hasn’t been a day in the past three weeks that I haven’t been on campus for some reason or another. I’ve finally decided to master the art of making food ahead of time for classes to save money. Basically it’s pasta and chicken, but I might mix it up sometime soon. Maybe. In between classes and work, I’ve been trying to make time for fun events. As a student leader, I’ve been trying to plan my life around going to Student Association events, which I recommend everyone go to. My friends and I went to the LISSA and ASIS&T Trivia event at Thornton’s, which was a lot of fun. There was a five dollar drink special, good food, and great company. I also was able to give my trivia group a really great name:


(Shut Up and SLISten. Nothing is better than a good Princess Diaries reference) 

I hope I’m on track to actually constructing a work life balance this semester, but there’s this great comic my management professor is using to show that my method of creating one will never work out well. Check it out here–if you’re in grad school, you’ll definitely relate. As for now, I’m going to try to focus on avoiding burnout for as long as I can. Or at least another few weeks!