Student Snippets A Window Into The Daily Life & Thoughts of SLIS Students

Boston By Foot

One of my goals for 2016 was, as soon as the weather was nice enough, I would walk to work. From my house, it’s only 2.7 miles, which takes me about an hour. Normally, if I am taking public transit, I need to leave by 8:15 to ge to work for 9am; walking the same route only adds 15-20 minutes to my commute (which doesn’t say much for our transit system).

Amy_Wilson_4-22-16.jpgOne of the top women runners at the Marathon

Attending the Boston Marathon on Monday inspired me to step it up (pun intended). After the marathon, I walked to Simmons to do some homework. Unfortunately, the computer lab was closed, so then I decided to walk home across the Charles (I live in somerville). My 3.5 miles was definitely no marathon, but I felt proud of myself because normally it wouldn’t even corss my mind to walk. 

Amy_Wilson2_4-22.jpgView after crossing the Charles

I think it’s easy to forget what a small city Boston is when you take public transit, because it can take so long to get around. Geographically, we are really not very large. 

Amy_Wilson3_4-22.jpgObviously I needed ice cream after that walk

This week I have walked to work once, and walked to the train station (skipped the bus part of my commute) a few times. I am still working out the timing; my schedule is weird, because the nights that I have class, I have to come into work half an dhour earlier so tha tI can leave on tmie. I didn’t plan very well this week, but next week I will make sure to leave enough time to walk even if it’s one of my early start deays. I also want to try out different routes to sew aht is teh prettiest/fastest way.

Last night I was so happy to break out my summer dresses and pack up a bunch of sweaters. I left our electric bed armer on the bed, because the nights are still chilly and there is nothing nice than getting into a cozy bed! I’m sure my flowers would agree – even though it has stayed above freezing, they are not looking so happy in our garden. I can’t wait for my boyfriend to come home from his work trip, because he is the farmer in our house. I will keep you updated on their progress…hopefully they can survive until his return on Monday!