“Bring Them Back”: How a Parody Helped Me Learn More About Disability
Posted October 12, 2014 by Alison Mitchell
I was going to write about how draining the last week was for me, but then I realized that no one wants to hear about the minutiae of my life, especially when the draining parts don’t actually have to do with library school. The library school part of last week was, as always, lovely.
(What? You’re wondering why my week was so draining? blah blah mammogram blah blah unrelated health issue blah blah friend’s more serious health issue blah blah husband out of town for four days leaving me with kids and work and my school but not their school, thanks teacher-professional-day-weekend-Columbus Day blah blah. I’m in my 40s, with two kids, in graduate school — it’s going to be like this a lot, so I’d better get used to it.)
Anyway. Since I spent the past week basically keeping my head above water, I’ll use this space to introduce you to one of my favorite librarians. I don’t actually know her in real life, but her blog is tremendous. She’s Mary Evelyn Smith, a school librarian in Ohio. I learned of her last spring, when “Bring Them Back,” her parody of “Let it Go” from Frozen about returning library books before the school year ended, made the rounds on Facebook. It’s awesome, and I totally suggest you give it a listen — you’ll laugh.
But I like Mary Evelyn for so many reasons beside her gift as a lyricist. She’s a talented writer. She loves her job as a librarian. She has interesting things to say about books and the kids she works with. She has a flair for clothing and home decor. And she has an adorable son who has Spina Bifida. Reading about him has opened my eyes to so many aspects of parenting a child with a disability, and given me lots to think about the way I teach my own kids about disabilities. I think aspiring librarians of all types (or, really, anyone) can learn a lot from her. Mary Evelyn tackles issues big and small with humor, insight and information. Check her out.