Get in Line for Story Time
Posted February 8, 2014 by Maggie Davidov
Are you sick of hearing me write about stories? Too bad, friends, because here comes another event too good to pass up. Next Saturday at Boston Public Library in Copley Square, MassMouth will host its 3rd Annual Storytelling event. Why do I get so amped about storytelling? I suppose it’s the rush I get when I go on stage and share an experience from my life with hundreds of people. It could also be the looks of surprise on the faces of the kids that come to my story time when I tell them that a WITCH has come to the window. BOO! Mostly, I tell you about these events and the glorious hilarity of it all because when it comes down to, it stories are meant for sharing. I tell this to you as I tell my 6-year olds at storytime: we are storytellers. All of us. Come to a storytelling event at MassMouth. Stop by Copley next Saturday for a half an hour. In a half an hour you can hear 2 or 3 personal stories. If you go early in the day you can take a workshop and learn to tell your own stories. You don’t have to take the storytelling class to be a storyteller (although it is one of the best classes I’ve taken at GSLIS). All you have to do is stand up and tell: no props, no book to hide behind, just you and your imagination.