Student Snippets A Window Into The Daily Life & Thoughts of SLIS Students

What does your library look like?

I took a week off from blogging because I recently started a new volunteer/intern-ish position at a prison library, and I am still trying to embrace the new work schedule and commute, along with my job in a public library, and two classes. (We won’t mention laundry and housework as I am pretending they don’t really exist…)
In the midst of my frenzy the last couple of weeks, my sister sent me a very fun link:  The 30 Best Places To Be If You Love Books
Take the time to go have a look at these amazing photos. The site quotes Mark Twain, “In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them.”  I could relate to this quote, and I imagine that many of us are here at GSLIS because this is how we feel whenever we walk into bookstores and libraries.
So, enjoy visiting these unique book places…hard to choose a favorite but I think mine might be the theatre turned bookstore. My sister chose the bathtub library.  What’s your favorite?
Next week…A View from the Inside, or How I worked so hard to get into Prison, the library, that is.