Weather You Like It Or Not
Posted February 11, 2013 by Sarah Barton
Unless you spent the past 72 hours under a colossal snowdrift (which is quite possible), you probably noticed that snow bombarded Boston on Friday and Saturday. The weather gods vacillate between being a faithful friend and formidable foe to New Englanders, invoking elements ranging from oppressive humidity to debilitating blizzards, a nice summer breeze to bone-chilling winter winds, and beautiful spring days to crisp fall nights. I’d say that when it comes to the weather, New Englanders generally adopt one of two mindsets:
1) Bring it on!
2) Make it stop!
Either way, when you sign up for GSLIS, you also sign up for the weather. The conditions are nothing new for some people, while for others they are a total shock to the system. I’ve spent my whole life in New England, yet the weather here never ceases to surprise (and sometimes even amaze) me. I dislike excessively sweating on a summer stroll to the T just as much as bundling up and trudging to the T in the winter, but I tend to forget about those things on an unusually mild winter day or refreshingly cool summer night. The climate variability is character building and oddly alluring – if it weren’t, there wouldn’t be nearly as many proud (sometimes to a fault) New Englanders. Needless to say, the weather should not be the deciding factor in choosing Simmons; however, it will certainly be part of your Simmons experience, weather you like it or not.