Student Snippets A Window Into The Daily Life & Thoughts of SLIS Students

Boston Book Festival

Two weeks ago I wrote a post about volunteering for conferences and other events around Boston. Well Saturday was one of my favorite events: The Boston Book Festival. The festival is only in its fourth year but it has amazing organization and a huge turnout.  Of course being in Boston, and being affiliated with the Boston Public Library allows the festival to bring in some big names. This year Lemony Snicket himself was the keynote speaker for the children.
That’s one reason I love the BBF. Its not just for one group, there are children’s programs, teen programs, and adult programs, and except for the keynote speaker, all are free. Last year I volunteered and enjoyed it so much that I did it again this year. Both years I have been assigned to the children’s room helping the costumed characters. Last year I got to meet Moe Williams and helped with Elephant and Piggy as well as Geronimo Stilton. This year I worked with Frog and Toad and Curious George. The kids LOVED Curious George, they almost mobbed the poor woman in the costume and I had to help form a line in order to let them all have a chance. Frog and Toad did not have as many admirers but they were not any less enthusiastic. One little girl gave them a picture she had drawn. This touched me more because many kids know Curious George through his movie or TV show but the children in love with Frog and Toad can only have been introduced to them via their books. It’s great to know that their books are still classics.