Student Snippets A Window Into The Daily Life & Thoughts of SLIS Students

Summer of Sarah

It is nearly July, and a few people have asked me if I have been busy so far this summer. The answer is yes, provided that vacationing qualifies as being busy. May was busy with volunteering and taking the Corporate Libraries course, and June has been busy with trips to Santa Barbara, San Francisco, and a quaint little New Hampshire lake. So yes, technically I have been busy, even though my time has been increasingly spent vacationing rather than working.
I have spent the last three weeks hiking in Santa Barbara, exploring San Francisco, and lounging on an inflatable raft in New Hampshire. It has been glorious, and the gallivanting is set to continue through July with a visit to the Rhode Island shore, a road trip to North and South Carolina, and more inflatable raft time in New Hampshire. While all of this has been, and hopefully will continue to be, wonderful and cultural and relaxing, I must constantly remind myself that this Summer of Sarah is not real life.
Coming to terms with not having a library job became a lot easier once all of my summer plans started falling into place. A trip here, a trip there, and oops!, suddenly there is simply no time for a job. I know that real life does not work this way, but I figure that this is my first (and hopefully last) unemployed summer since eighth grade, so I might as well take advantage of it. Come fall, the GSLIS grind of classes and ideally a library job will be harsh contrasts to the beaches, hikes, rafts, and road trips from the summer. Until then, however, Summer of Sarah is in full effect.