Student Snippets A Window Into The Daily Life & Thoughts of SLIS Students

Get out there -easy if in Somerville

Unless you are working full-time and taking 3 classes while commuting from Maine, I bet a lot of the readers are also volunteering in some kind of library-related function. “Friends of the Library” groups are great for this, and as a connected, energetic, knowledgable library student you are perfectly placed to led your enthusiasm to your local public library. Even if public librarianship is not your aim I would encourage it. You don’t need to sit on the board (though nice little line item on the resume…) but just being an upright and breathing volunteer can be useful.
If you live in Somerville (or Cambridge or Medford) let me mention that the Friends of the Somerville Public Library are looking for extra volunteers and having a kick-off meeting on March 21st; why not attend? See the Facebook link. If you don’t care for FaceSpace, there is an EventBrite link as well; friendsofthesomervillelibrary.eventbrite.
For those GSLIS students with little to no library experience this seems like an absolute no-brainer. Hope to see you then.